Thanks for dropping in!
If you’ve been brave enough to come to this page, you’ve obviously liked a bit of what you’ve seen on the site. And I thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about me.
I’m not a professional photographer or a seasoned writer. This website is an honest attempt to share my images and thoughts.
I got introduced to the world of photography as a matter of chance. My brother had bought a DSLR, a Canon 550D, and it bothered me to just see it lying around in the cupboard. One weekend, I decided to attend a workshop on street photography in Kolkata and that was the starting of it all. What followed was a number of trips to discover wildlife in India, and I found myself attracted to photographing birds.
Still a learner and an amateur, I keep trying to blend my photography with story-telling. There is a journey or an experience behind every photograph that I have clicked. I strive to share that with every post on this website.
Thank you once again for stopping by! If you like what you see, do send me a quick note.