Mnyama - Giraffe



Image made in Masai Mara, Kenya

Giraffe symbolism and meaning evokes images of humanity striving to join with the Divine.

Gentle Giraffe, with its long neck reaching into the heavens, symbolises the ability to see the future and obtain things that seem out of reach. When your life is chaotic, Giraffe reminds you to keep your head up and avoid getting entangled in needless arguments; as an Animal Ally, Giraffe encourages you to “take the high road.” The creature signifies things that inspire and raise your energies or Spirit.

A Giraffe does not attack without reason, but when this creature senses danger, it is swift and powerful when it reacts. While a Giraffe may not look threatening, one swift kick can from the beast can cripple or kill. Kicking is the means Giraffe uses for protecting its calves. The creature’s method for protecting its young gives Giraffe the symbolism of safety and strength in times of need.