So after a number of years, I finally decided to start my website from scratch...once again. I figured it was about time I gave a new look to my small presence on the web. It was time my images got a new presentation...after all they have evolved along with me.
So what has changed since I first started my website in 2012? For one thing, I have traveled to many new places and made many new memories...not to mention the many new images. I finally managed to tick one place from my bucket list - Masai Mara, the mecca for wildlife photography. It was one hell of an experience and memories of it remain etched in my subconscious. Can't wait to be back there!
With that I invite you to be part of this "new" journey with me. Subscribe to this site, save it in your bookmarks, or just remember to visit it once in a while. Drop me a line, like my images and posts, and just say hello whenever you can. It would mean the world.
Here's to new beginnings!